NUFORC Sighting 43230

Occurred: 1975-08-15 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-03-29 11:28 Pacific
Duration: 15 MINUTES
No of observers: 3

Location: Ricketts Glen SP, PA, USA

Shape: Other

Viewing an apparent satellite movement, it instantly reversed direction on the same track.

I thought it was a satellite crossing a full starlit sky. I was fixed on it, lying on my back, as it passed almost overhead. It had the pace of other satellites so I enjoyed watching the object.

Then, (I never lost focus or sight of it), it stopped and reversed 180 degrees on the same track. It was a split second reversal and continued passing the other direction until I lost it behind a tree stand. We took the event lightly but I have never forgotten it.

I cannot think of any manmade flying object, at that apparent speed, reversing direction that quick. It changed my somewhat skeptical viewpoint eversince and probably the rest of my life.


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-04-16

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