NUFORC Sighting 44574

Occurred: 2005-06-25 20:50 Local
Reported: 2005-06-26 00:06 Pacific
Duration: 10
No of observers: 3

Location: Portland/Gresham, OR, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

A disk shaped object with a haze stood in one place then moved from side to side. Ten others followed with bright lights.

June 25, 2005 -- At around 10:50 pm, we were driving down Division St. and at the intersection with 164th, the driver looked up in the sky and saw a light. She thought that it was a star, but it was too big and bright to be one and the other two people in the car looked as well, and the object seemed to move on its side. When it turned to the side, we saw a disk shape, which had a haze of light around it. The object was wider than the moon but length seemed a lot smaller. The passenger even put on her glasses in disbelief, but she still saw the object. After we all started screaming, we went down until 174th, and right when we took a right, two more objects moved near from the right. One of the incoming objects was bigger than the other, but they were moving towards the big one that was first sighted.

Quickly, we went to our house and looked out the window. In the same direction we saw two or three of the same object moving back and forth and also stopping for a few seconds. The objects looked like bright lights (bigger than stars, and brighter) and they were not flashing. They all seemed to be coming from the same direction and going in the same direction (east to west). We figured they could not be planes because they were not flashing, and they were moving so quickly, yet stopping every now and then. Also, two of them came very close in contact, almost touching each other. After about nine of those objects moved towards the right, we could not see them because of the trees.

Later on, after they were gone, we looked towards the sky, and we saw two planes pass by in a 45 min span. We could differentiate between the object and the plane. The plane had a constant shape, was slanted and had the flashing tail lights. We also called the non-emergency line to check for helicopters in the area, and we were told that there was nothing going on. They also gave us the number for the UFO center.

If anyone saw something, please speak up. We didn’t believe in UFOs until tonight. Can someone explain whether so many objects, whether they are planes, helicopters, blimps or anything else can do such motions in the sky without colliding. How can they stop and go (shift left to right)?

Posted 2005-07-05

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