NUFORC Sighting 5534

Occurred: 1990-06-05 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-01-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Danville (rural), IL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

object hovered in place south of our vantage point very close. Had no sound, faint feel of electric charge in air, strobing lights in continuing pattern. Left suddenly eastward at tremendous rate of speed.

My husband and I were called by a neighbor to tell us that something was coming our way that had been outside her house for awhile. We went outside and stood facing the south in our driveway. At the end of our driveway, there was something that had to be huge, because it blocked out the stars in the sky. It was just above the treeline and we could not make out a shape because of treetops coming together over part of it and also because of an outside light behind us that made it hard to get our eyes accustomed to the dark. It had three large white lights (like spotlights) that strobed in a regular series one after the other and repeated this over and over for the twenty minutes we stood and watched. There were several red and green lights which did not blink in a row. There was absolutely no sound, but there was a faint feel of an electrical charge in the air. No smell.

We stood and watched and it never moved at all, until my husband started to get the car so we could follow it when it left. As he reached the car, it took off suddenly to the East at a tremendous rate of speed and disappeared.

My husband is a patternmaker by trade and has some college. I have some college and am a housewife and writer. We live in the country and have raised our children here.

Posted 1999-02-16

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