NUFORC Sighting 55461

Occurred: 2007-02-22 08:00 Local
Reported: 2007-02-27 07:15 Pacific
Duration: 40 sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Hermitage, TN, USA

Shape: Triangle

On Feb.22 around 7:45 that evening a friend was leaving. We had just stepped out the back door.Having a few telescopes and amature astrologer, I had looked up at Orians Belt,they were very bright.

I had started to tell my friend "who is retird American Air Line"that there is a nebula there between thoughs stars when he said"what the hell is that"!I didn't see it till he pointed it out,coming directly at us was a craft flying about three to four hundred feet above the ground.It had no lights the only way you could tell it was there it was reflecting lights from the ground .the craft was a gold bronze color moving at about fouty mph, by the time it was over head it was very black, only darker than the sky.The shape was a cresent figure,the most amazing thing to me that somthing that size,"little bigger than a jet liner",there was not a sound from it.After we had tried to figure what this was, about two minutes after the sighting here came all these geese and ducks kind of going in the direction of the craft,figuring they had been scared up from PercyPreist Lake.

Posted 2007-03-08

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