NUFORC Sighting 62504

Occurred: 2007-04-22 12:45 Local
Reported: 2008-04-02 21:51 Pacific
Duration: maybe a minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Beaufort, SC, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

It happened a day after an airplane crash and it was very long and thin with points on either end very brillantly white, maybe glowed.

I remember the day very well because the day before we had an awful accident occur in our community, the Blue Angels number 6 plane had crashed on April 21 2007. On April 22 2007, the Blue Angels team performed again even after the crash had occurred. They performed as a salute to number 6.

It was not long after the air show, I was in my bedroom and I heard jets flying around, I live very close maybe 2-3 miles from the Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station, I thought maybe the Blue Angels were leaving, so I leaned out of my window and looked toward the direction I thought the jet was traveling.

That's when I seen the object. It was very thin and long, it looked like it come to a point at either end. It was very white or the thing its self was made of light, it was very bright against the brilliantly blue sky.

My first reaction was to go outside and get a proper view, instead of having my upper body out the window, so I pulled myself out the window, and went outside, which took about 45 seconds and it was gone nowhere to be seen.

I thought it was very odd at first my father, sister, and boyfriend assumed that it was some sort of blimp by my description, but I know it was not a blimp it had no wings, no anything on it. It almost looked like a really thick line but pointed at either end. I have never seen anything like it before.

I was a seventeen year old girl at the time, I have always lived in a military town, I'm used to seeing aircraft off all sorts jets, the b52 stealth, helicopters, all different types just by living here I grew up watching the Blue Angels, they come every few years and perform. I have never seen a crash or that object before but neither were enjoyable. I am now eighteen.

Posted 2008-04-17

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