NUFORC Sighting 63718

Occurred: 2008-06-05 22:32 Local
Reported: 2008-06-05 21:17 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Belleville, IL, USA

Shape: Light

Brite White Light in Southwest Sky Near STL.

Thursday June 05, 2008 Belleville, Illinois 10:32pm I was out on my back patio looking South up at the clear evening sky.

From my West out of the corner of my eye I saw a brite white light off in the distance, at first I thought it was a high flying aircraft.

But as the light approached from the West, the object was much higher in altitude then I originally thought, almost like looking at a satellite passing over but much brighter and faster.

I thought it might be the ISS passing over the house, but as the brite white object was just about directly over me the light dimmed quickly and dissapeared.

I waited a few minutes looking to see if the object would reappear down range on it's path but it did not, the lighted object just dissapeared? The object made no sounds and had no other lights.

Posted 2008-06-12

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