NUFORC Sighting 63972

Occurred: 2008-06-16 05:45 Local
Reported: 2008-06-18 15:15 Pacific
Duration: approx. 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Orlando, FL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Glowing bluish white light blinking in and out of view , all over the early morning sky

At approximately 5:45 Am, on Monday, June 16, I was walking my dog, when I noticed an exceptionally bright "light" in the sky.

It was in the western area , at about 80 degrees.

It was about the size of Venus at that hour, maybe a bit bigger.

The bluish white glow from it was exactly that...more of a glow, instead of a light.

I watched it for a couple of seconds and it disappeared...blinked right out.

Then, quite suddenly, it blinked back into view, but in the eastern sky, and at about the same level of view, about 80 degrees.

And again, seconds was gone.

This behavior took place for approximately 10 minutes or so, with the light blinking in and out of view at different areas of the sky...and fairly good distances from each a matter of seconds between blinking out of view and blinking back into view in a completely different area of the sky.

And the activity was NOT in a straight line, but all over the sky.

There was no sound...just blinking in and out of sight, in no particular pattern.

As a point of information, there were no clouds. The atmosphere was quite clear.

And there were no other lights associated with this object.

Posted 2008-07-05

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