NUFORC Sighting 67734

Occurred: 1981-10-01 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-12-30 07:46 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Hesperia, MI, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams

Two people in car see green oval object and lost time

About 8 o'clock PM by the radio, my now ex wife and I, ages 26 and her 23, were traveling west along m-20 about 4 miles west of Hesperia Michigan when far off, miles and miles away, west almost due west and just slightly south we both saw a day glow/lime green tiny dot in the sky. In less than 10 seconds it dropped and came directly at us, almost straight on. In what seemed like only a very few seconds it was on us covering literally miles in only a few seconds and it's emense size literally covered and engulfed our 1979 Gray Chevy pickup. The first fear was of a head on collision. The absolute shock and fear was indescribable. At this point we were both covered in a brilliant and unbelievable lime/florescent green light that completely blocked out any view outside the truck. We were both completely illuminated in green light. At this point I was in complete un describable terror and total shock like I have never known before or since. I turned to my now ex wife literally screaming with out hearing myself, wondering if I was personally going insane or God knows what only to see her in the exact same state I was in. The look of terror on her face was some thing, much like the entire event, that is so vividly etched in my memory.

Ok now this is the part that haunts me every day of my life since. My next memory and hers seems like literally a second later from one of shear terror is one of "Hmmm that was weird", and looking at her being totally calm and myself the same way. Our truck was in the exact same place on the highway going 60 miles per hour just as it was when we were in total terror what seemed like only a split second before. There was on my part no swerving or even time to react before we went from complete shock to Hmmm that was interesting. We both watched the green oval object fly off in a south west direction, more southerly than it had approached, over the trees and off into the far distance and up into the sky disappearing from sight as it seemed to climb far off in the distance. We continued the last 3 miles to our house on Loop rd.

We did not have a watch or a car clock. When we got home it was 9 o'clock. Then I was even more confused. Where had the near hour gone? At this point I called the Oceana sheriff office and made a report, just in case someone else saw or experienced this. The officer was very nice and took it all seriously and stated " I have known officers that have seen things they couldn't explain too."


This report is featured in Robert Powell's book, "UFO's A Scientist Explains What We Know (and Don’t Know)" as an example the anomalous manipulation of time that sometimes accompanies close up UFO encounters.

Posted 2009-01-10

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