NUFORC Sighting 69279

Occurred: 2009-03-19 21:00 Local
Reported: 2009-03-19 18:44 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds?
No of observers: 2

Location: Loogootee, IN, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

V- shaped, fast moving formation of dimly lit triangles

My wife and I were sitting in the hot tub at the time. We were not drinking or under the influence of anything. The hot tub was shut off, no music playing. Just before getting out, I was looking at the southwest corner of the sky and it was completely dark. The stars were very visible to the south.

At that time I noticed an objects(s) traveling northwest. My first impression was a gaggle of geese. I directed my wife’s attention to the UFO and she asked if they were geese. It was moving way to fast to be any kind of bird(s).

It all went by very quickly, but the best way I can describe this object is that it looked like a “v” formation , with very dimly lit triangles in a very light orange or yellow luminescence. Maybe a total of 8-10 triangles forming a large "v." It moved very quickly and there was no noise whatsoever. In a very short time it faded out of sight.

My last thought was maybe it was a military stealth bomber-the flying wing? I don’t know, but it was enough for me to submit this sighting.

Posted 2009-04-14

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