NUFORC Sighting 70496

Occurred: 2009-06-14 00:00 Local
Reported: 2009-06-13 21:37 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Sheridan, IN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Beautiful triangle over Sheridan Indiana

We had just seen one other object that we couldn't identify but this one was about 1/4 mile above us and the one prior to this one was a lot further up. We were sitting on the porch outside talking on a beautiful clear evening. I happened to look up and to my left and seen something that I couldn't explain. I immediately pulled my witness directly into the yard and said what is that, do you see that? She said yes, I see it..It was a definite triangle shaped with a illuminated brownish red tint moving slowly. NO noise just smoothly cruising west over our rural country side. This is the first time I have seen anything like this in the sky. The triangle shape was definite. It was that low for us to see the details. I felt I was watching the making of the movie Star Trek all of a sudden. This is becoming a very active night for us in this part of Indiana.


We suspect that the time and date, as indicated by the witness, are wrong. Indiana is in the Central Time Zone, so the report was submitted before the time and date indicated. We will attempt to clarify the date and time with the witness. PD

Posted 2009-08-05

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