NUFORC Sighting 71938

Occurred: 2009-08-29 21:20 Local
Reported: 2009-08-29 15:04 Pacific
Duration: 40 mins
No of observers: 3

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne (UK/England), , United Kingdom

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Strange sightings of in excess of 40+ UFO's over the Northeast of UK travelling West - East.

I live in Tyneside in the Northeast of UK (Gateshead) to be precise. At approximately 21:20 BST I noticed a large number of bright orange lights (20+) some in formation (arrow head), some not, travelling in a West to East direction.

It's a clear night here in the Northeast of UK with some light cloud cover.

At first I thought that these could be hot air balloons as they had a flickering orange glow as if they had burners on, but the glow was continuous and they were all uniformed in shape and size.

Most disturbing, and what has made me discount them being hot air balloons was the speed at which they were travelling.

I have a clear view to the West horizon and through to my farthest line of sight in the East it took the UFO's less than 2 minutes 30 seconds to complete the journey and clear out of my line of sight.

There was no sound and they travelled the distance significantly quicker than any aircraft I have ever seen in the same 'proximity', which leads me to believe that they were not hot air ballons.

Strangely though, after the first wave they then came acrss the same trajectory at intervals of 3-5 minutes and not in formation but in clusters of 3-5 with some solitary craft.

It has got to be the strangest unexplained sighting I have ever had and a number of my neighbours witnessed the event.

Posted 2009-12-12

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