NUFORC Sighting 74083

Occurred: 1966-01-15 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2010-01-14 11:29 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1000

Location: Ft. Smith, AR, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby, Landed

Clarification of timing of Ft. Smith, AR, sighting, circa 1966/1967 (with additional sighting details)

This report is a supplement to previous reports of sightings in Ft. Smith, AR ca. 1966/1967.

As a child, my family loved in Ft. Smith Arkansas during these sightings and I can clearly remember being brought outside so view the unidentified aircraft. Although I was very young (4 or 5 years old), I can clearly remember a few items: - The unidentified aircraft were clearly flying in formation.

My father (recently discharged from the Army) viewed the behavior and maneuvering of the aircraft as unusual.

Multiple people in our neighborhood were out in the evening viewing the aircraft with a collective uneasiness bordering on panic.

Real-time media reports (radio & TV) followed the incident.

The local paper had front page coverage, with photographs, the next day.

Less clear memories include recollection of the unidentified aircraft hovering and/or landing at the airport and of military aircraft in pursuit (roar of jet engines and visible identification of military aircraft separate from unidentified aircraft).

The timeframe for the sighting is only approximate, but -must- have occurred prior to the fall of 1966. My family moved to St. Louis in the fall of 1966 (where I entered kindergarten) Media coverage of this incident was extensive, so I am perplexed why there is no existing and/or available records of this.


Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD

Posted 2010-02-14

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