NUFORC Sighting 7581

Occurred: 1996-04-15 14:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-06-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Lacoochee, FL, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail

huge fireball approx. 30 mile fire trail, traveling upward at a speed approx. 10,000 miles p.h.

I was driving with a friend north on U.S. 301 North, we were just on the other side of the withalacoochee national forest when a orange fireball roured upward toward the sky. I thought it was some kind of rocket because it seem to be coming from the direction of the space center on the east coast. It was far to big a fire trail than the space shuttle and the sound much lowder like a constant roar, not a boom like the shuttle makes when it brakes the sound barrier. Its rate of speed was that of 100x FASTER THAN THE SHUTTLE DOES ON TAKE OFF. I know this was no space shuttle because you can see the space shuttle, but not this, what ever it was, was covered by fire.

Posted 1999-05-24

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