NUFORC Sighting 76854

Occurred: 1981-08-15 07:00 Local
Reported: 2010-07-29 11:24 Pacific
Duration: 6 min.
No of observers: 4

Location: Jensen, UT, USA

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object

I saw something in the Utah sky in 1981. It's a relief to tell someone!

Hello, I know you have a lot of pranks and false reports that are turned into you all the time. I worked for the Utah power and light company out of Salt Lake Utah around 1981-82 time frame and I was on a small crew near Jensen, Utah, erecting power line towers. We had just finished one of the towers at around 6:00 pm and began loading all of the equipment into the trucks getting ready to end the shift and go back to the warehouse.

One of the guys spoke up and said look at that! The object looked like a silver cigar holder and I would say it was approx. 40-60 ft. long, and approx. 10-15 ft. wide, and rounded at both ends, with a gold light on the front and a blue light in the middle. I also estimate that the object was about a mile away from us at the time we first saw it. As best as I can remember it had no signs of trailing gas and was silent. We saw it coming from the northern horizon and it only took probably 10 seconds to go out of sight in the southwestern horizon. I know that it was not a satellite, jet, or anything I have ever seen before, it was in our inner atmosphere, in other words it was very close to us. My opinion the SR-71 Blackbird or the X-15 wouldn’t have had a chance. I have been seeing a lot of reports on the net and on TV about sightings lately and am very reluctant to let anyone know about this.

This event happened years ago and it is as though it happened a few minutes ago. It has been bothering me for a long time and I am just now getting the courage to tell someone, it is a relief! I mentioned this to my wife once and she said, are you sure you weren’t smoking pot, drinking or something? I replied to her that all that I was doing was drinking a jug of iced tea I had in my lunch. She didn’t take me serious at the time but she has since then changed her mind.

I work for a government defense contractor now and am aware of the many false reports that people make and some that are very real. I know what I saw was real and in my knowledge of air travel and planes, jets, drones and similar aircraft, we have nothing! like what I saw. This was in the 1981-82 time frame. I hope if the government does have craft such as this that they let everyone know about it soon to stop all the speculation.

I do believe in our lord Jesus and hope all of this comes to light soon, for every one's sake.

Posted 2010-07-29

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