NUFORC Sighting 7968

Occurred: 1973-09-20 10:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-06-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 - 6 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Mansfield, OH, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Pure white oval shaped image moving slowly. Major axis was several full moon widths long. Minor axis about half of major. No colors or marks. Early to mid AM.

This report is in response to the 9/20/73 incident in Mansfield , Ohio which was reported January 1999. I have just now read this and am compelled to send in the account of my observation , which is remarkable only in that it occurred one mile NW from the location of the 9/20/73 incident. Regrettably, I can only narrow the date to between 1972 and 1974, though it did occur during the regular school year. I was a pupil of the Woodland Elementary school at the time. It was early to mid morning with clear skies. I was leaning with my back against a SW wall looking south when I looked up. I do not know why I looked up, but when I did I immediately saw an oval image directly overhead moving slowly from west to east. It was pure white with a slight homogenous glow over its shape. The major axis of the oval was several full moon widths long and the minor axis was about half of the major. The edges were slightly fuzzy due to the glow. The image had no colors or marks and I did not hear any sound from it. The lack of markings or sharp edges prevented me from judging it’s altitude, but I did have the impression that it was low, maybe tree top level. I observed this for three to six seconds until it passed out of view behind the school roof. I paused for just enough seconds to say to myself, “what in the...?”, then ran away from the building expecting to see it again. If it had maintained it’s velocity, I would have definitely seen it in the clear sky, but it was gone. Other kids were outside, but none were looking up. I wish I could provide a more accurate date, but I do not even recall what season it was. I am fairly sure of the year range, so there is a chance that it may have been 9/20/73.


Date and time indicated are a gross estimate. PD

Posted 2001-02-18

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