NUFORC Sighting 8077

Occurred: 1999-06-14 23:45 Local
Reported: 1999-06-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Bellingham, WA, USA

Shape: Formation

One bright light similar to shooting star seen going in a S pattern across the sky and then looped around and disappeared. Aprox 15 min later, 3 bright lights race from E to W in "V" formation but arching (circling) around each other before disappearing.

The first siting was seen shooting across the sky from W to E in an "S" pattern - very bright like a shooting star, but without a tail and much faster than a satellite. Aprox 15 minutes later, 3 objects of the same intensity shot across the sky from E to W in a "V" formation right through the big dipper. The 3 objects were initially traveling in an consistant pattern, then the objects "arched" around each other - almost making circles around each other, but still going straight W. They were traveling much too fast to be commercial aircraft at a speed seemingly half that of a shooting star, but with movements much more sophistocated than a shooting star. Both the events were witnessed by two of us for several seconds before they disappeared - quickly fading out. Both observers were sober, and both observe the stars on a regular basis. We stayed outside for another hour hoping to see a recurrance, or another event. We did see numerous shooting stars and satellites also that night. One observer is a flight attendant for a private airline.

Posted 1999-06-23

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