NUFORC Sighting 8162

Occurred: 1999-06-25 22:00 Local
Reported: 1999-06-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Ottawa (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Sphere

Seen by my brother first. He called me outside to the back yard, then I saw it; a bright light, spherical in shape. I saw it move up (it got smaller and smaller) until it disappeared.

The time is approximate; it was between 22:00 and 23:00. My brother saw it first, he was out having a cigarette on the deck. He called me and his wife, I came to see. The house where we were is about 2 miles East of the former Rockliffe Air Base. The object was moving South to North, and then began moving upwards very fast. It started off near the moon (from our point of view), then passed a bright star (maybe Venus), then continued North, until it started moving more upwards, when the light got smaller and smaller and then it disappeared. It was at about a 75 degree angle when I looked into the sky, from the horizon, then it became closer to 90 degrees (almost overhead) when it disappeared. It lasted only a couple of minutes. From my point of view, it was very high up; the ball of bright white light was about the size of the large star/planet we saw it pass). There were no sounds coming from the object, and the light was steady the whole time; not flashing. After a few minutes a plane flew over us; we saw the difference between what we had seen and the airplane. It wasn't an airplane, and it was flying much higher, too, even before it began its ascent.

Posted 2000-12-02

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