NUFORC Sighting 89591

Occurred: 2012-06-14 23:00 Local
Reported: 2012-06-15 00:53 Pacific
Duration: 1 min 30 seconds

Location: Bow, WA, USA

Shape: Orb

silent bright light headed east- big and sort of orange. steady speed.

bright almost orange light, no sound and big. big as my pinky nail held at arms length. heading east. completely silent- i kept waiting for a sound but there was nothing. there is no moon tonight (or at least at that time) so the sky was beautiful and full of stars. I needed to put the chickens away for the night and was pretty late with the chore, usually they are put to bed right after dusk, but i was late.

I couldn't help but stop and look at the stars for a little while before walking back home up the driveway. then this light was there and was nothing like i have seen before. i see planes going to Bellingham and planes going in all directions from there and from Anacortes also, so i know what the planes look like, even if there is no sound. this was no plane. solid light. i know what satellites look like too because i like watching them skim by. but this thing was big and really bright and was in control. I dont know, mabe it was the ISS or something. It was NOT a plane or a hellicopter, and seemed too big to just be in orbit. real odd.

Posted 2012-06-20

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