NUFORC Sighting 91443

Occurred: 2012-08-04 23:05 Local
Reported: 2012-08-04 22:26 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Huntington, IN, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Pink lighted unknown object in sky over Huntington

UFO August 4, 2012 At about 11:05 pm in Huntington Indiana I saw a pink light up in the sky. It was moving slowly in a straight line.

But then it began to slow to nearly a stop. It was completely silent.

I kept thinking I would hear a noise. It would have to be a silent helicopter. I know what a jetliner at 20 to 40 thousand feet looks like. This pink light was non blinking. I ran inside to get my 16 year old daughter. About 30 seconds later when I got her to get her shoes on and come out, the light started moving away. It seemed to be only a few hundred feet up but hard to tell. 

There were fireworks (delayed due to drought) that night which were supposed to be done but they kept on going after the finalé. I had watched those right near my house and I had gone back inside the house after the finalé and had come back out to see why they were still firing them off. Rain prior in the evening had apparently caused a problem with some of the fireworks. 

Posted 2012-08-05

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