NUFORC Sighting 94096

Occurred: 2012-11-03 23:45 Local
Reported: 2012-11-03 21:49 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes+
No of observers: 2

Location: Pawling, NY, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

Red, green multicolored object appeared in the sky moving freely and emitting beams.

My younger sister and I were sitting on the couch watching television, when I looked out our window facing south west and saw a multicolored object. It was predominately red and green, although there may have also been brief specs of white and blue.

It seemed to be emitting white beams. The object was in the distance and moved northeast, it seemed to dance freely with no definite flight path.

At one point my sister said there were 10 similar objects in the sky.

I focused on the main object with binoculars. The lights had no definite shape and seemed to shift.

I believe it attracted 4 other white objects which made a triangular formation. This went on for over a half hour.

Posted 2012-11-04

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