NUFORC Sighting 95418

Occurred: 2012-12-22 18:55 Local
Reported: 2012-12-22 16:22 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Charlotte, MI, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Five billowy oval reddish lights passing west to east at 18:55 EST over Charlotte, MI on 12/22/12

At 18:55 EST on 12/22/12 over Charlotte, Michigan, two adults and a 13 year old saw 5 reddish lights passing west to east in the dark evening sky. They somewhat resembled Chinese lanterns as they seemed kind of billowy, but they were moving very fast. They were so far up in the sky it was impossible to recognize anything except that they had a reddish color and appeared oval shaped. It took about 15 seconds for the lights to pass. They took turns passing each other as they headed east. They were visible in the eastern sky as red dots making the eastern sky reddish in appearance for fifteen minutes. Then the sky went dark.

Posted 2013-02-04

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