NUFORC Sighting 25129

Occurred: 2002-09-07 22:48 Local
Reported: 2002-09-18 16:49 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 10

Location: Trout Lake, WA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangle formation at trout lake, have video

We were at James Gillilands Sattva Sanctuary in Trout Lake Washington Saturday September 7 skywatching. This was the last night of the Greer Groups (Cecti) stay. We had been skywatching since sundown. Just before 10:48 pm my wife said to me there were two lights traveling together. Since I usually try and video anything unsual I found the two lights and started recording. Upon closer view with the camera I saw it was an elongated triangular formation of three lights. There was no moon or obstructions to the viewing. The formation was to our left and in the direction of James house west of us. My effort to capture the formation on video was sucessfull this time and I have a video of it. The formation was heading from north to south and it was to the west of where we were. The lead light went out after a few seconds and the two trailing lights went out in approximately the same place. There was no sound.

X south X north X This is what it looked like as it traveled from north to south. The lights were fairly dim but can be seen clearly on the video. I have a sony 130 digital camera with nightshot and a Bower 2.5 telephoto lens attached. There were several more witnesses.


We suspect that the witness may have observed the three satellites, which are reported to NUFORC frequently, and which were observed from the same location on September 01, 2002. We attempted to correspond via e-mail with the witness who submitted this report, but the e-address he provided is defective. Please see sighting from Castleton, VT, for the same date as this report. That report may be based on a sighting of the same suspected satellites. The manner in which they were reported to fade over Vermont is consistent with satellites flying into the Earth's shadow. PD

Posted 2002-09-19

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