NUFORC Sighting 49611

Occurred: 2005-12-23 22:45 Local
Reported: 2006-03-13 17:30 Pacific
Duration: 15 MINUTES
No of observers: 1

Location: Charleston, SC, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

While I was in my front yard I saw a strange object above my house.

It was on a Friday night December 23, 2005 at 10:45 P.M. I was out in my front yard. I observed an object. It was round on the top and got narrower going to the bottom, round and narrow on the bottom and got wider going to the top the object looked like a top. It was all yellow lighted with red vertical lines all around the sides and it had an orange light in the middle of the top and in the middle of the bottom. It hovered over the house. And then it was still then it got down lower and went over the neighbors house. Then I looked up and it disappeared and it was gone. I didn't see the object no more. It made no sound. It was partly cloudy. I looked around the house and I still didn't see it no more. It was gone. I was wondering what this object was I saw and where it came from.

Posted 2006-05-15

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