NUFORC Sighting 54744

Occurred: 2006-08-19 08:00 Local
Reported: 2007-01-14 20:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 Min
No of observers: 0

Location: Edmonton (Canada), AB, Canada

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Silver colored rectangle with yellow glow on top 1/8 spotted over Edmonton, AB, Canada

I got up early Sunday morning, and was walking down my block towards corner store for paper, it was a beautiful morning, no traffic, no one on either side of street. I was admiring the huge trees along our block, and upon looking up noticed something between branches, it just caught my eye as I looked up. As I walked further to a point between the trees, a clear unobstructed view, I say what I term as a large phone booth object at about 70 degrees from southern horizon. I stopped rubbed my eyes, shook my head. and it was still there. It was a silver to whitish color except for the top 1/8 which was a brilliant yellowish light. I stood for a couple minutes trying to get a good look at it. I estimate the altitude to be about 1500-2000 ft. It had no wings, no rotors, and stood perfectly still, there was no wind it was dead calm. I tried to listen and could hear nothing. After about 3 minutes it finally hit me, this was definitely not normal and defied any aerodynamic craft I have ever scene. I started to get scared, and proceeded towards the store, hoping it had not seen me, keeping my eyes on it, when the next moment it started to accelerate and then took off East at a speed that was unbelievable, before I knew it it was out of sight. I would estimate its size being aprox 20-30 ft tall by 15 to 20 ft across.

Posted 2007-02-01

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