NUFORC Sighting 66983

Occurred: 2008-11-18 08:30 Local
Reported: 2008-11-18 18:24 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Playa Del Rey, CA, USA

Shape: Circle

3 round objects behaving "not normal," hovering near the day-time moon

At approximately 8:35 a.m. on Tuesday, November 18, 2008, in Los Angeles, California, near Marina Del Rey, I saw three objects in the sky, near the moon (which could be seen during the day).

I immediately knew that I was looking at something which was not “identifiable.” All three objects were round in shape and appeared to have a metallic shine coming off of them. I couldn’t really determine if this was light generated from within or reflecting from the sun. They each were extremely small to the naked eye, almost impossible to see if you didn’t have excellent vision. You had to be looking in the right spot. Again, they were sort of close to the moon, which is the only reason I even saw them in the first place. If you weren’t looking in that direction, you probably wouldn’t even have noticed them.

As I continued walking and watching them, they were moving, but not like a plane or any other “normal” flying object moves. They were moving rather slowly, yet when I would look at them again (after continuing my walk, then looking up again), one of them moved off and away from the other two. I kept looking and staring, with breaks inbetween. This went on for at least 30 minutes, at which time the third one had disappeared, then after awhile, the second one, then eventually all three of them disappeared..

They appeared to be hovering most of the time, although there was some movement, then when you’d look again, they’d be in a different spot relative to the “day” moon and relative to each other.

Again, they were round and not like anything you normally see in the sky. They definitely were not a plane or a balloon or a helicopter. They were round and didn’t behave like these things. Helicopters don’t go that high to my knowledge. And, from the naked eye, you could tell they were a very far distance away (high up and far away). Again, they couldn’t have been planes. Planes don’t “hover,” to my knowledge.

Thank you for listening.

Posted 2009-01-10

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