NUFORC Sighting 69021

Occurred: 2009-02-02 04:00 Local
Reported: 2009-03-01 19:04 Pacific
Duration: ~6 H
No of observers: 1

Location: Abbotsford (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

abducted by circular ufo while camping

I was camping in the Abbotsford outskirts area very late one night, and I was having issues sleeping because of my back, I was sitting outside by the campfire, when all of the sudden I felt an odd rumbling sensation in my abdomen.

Compelled by this strange feeling, I picked up my flashlight and looked around the local area. I found nothing, and I decided to go and sit down again. I sat there for the next 20 minutes,with a growing feeling of uncertainty and discontent washing over me. That's when it happened.

The air around me grew very warm, a high pitched sound reached my ears. Unsure of what was happening, I stood up. A bright light, with a red tint to it surrounded me. I felt myself loosing consciousness, and I fell to the ground.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, each time I awoke, I remember seeing a bright light and blurry silhouettes all around me. The most apparent thing to me was that the figures were very short, no taller than a meter or so, and the table I was lying on was very close to the ground. I remember that occasionally the abductors would speak to each other, always in a high-pitched, rushed sort of way.

Many hours later, I woke up. I was outside. I stood up, and I felt dizzy. Stumbling, I looked around the small clearing I was in. I finally found my tent, after walking around for nearly 15 minutes.

I wasn't exactly sure of what happened. I packed up my tent, and other camping gear as fast as I could. I drove back to my house and went to bed. My dreams were disturbed with strange dreams of symbols I'd never seen before, as well as that same strange high-pitched noise I heard the previous night.

Since then, I had a psychological evaluation done, and it came out completely fine. I am thoroughly convinced that I have come into contact with extra-terrestrials of some kind. Before that incident, I was like many people, a skeptic. I write this now as a believer, one who has experienced abduction, and has to live with it's horrible repercussions for the rest of my life.

Posted 2009-03-19

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