NUFORC Sighting 99069

Occurred: 2013-06-30 22:35 Local
Reported: 2013-06-30 21:15 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes

Location: Hershey, NE, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Fire ball / box

I had let my dogs out for their evening break before going to bed and while walking in the back yard I usually look up at the stars.

I turned to the west and noticed a glowing just above the terminator of daylight and night.

I stopped and thought that looks in the general vicinity of Venus, but was the wrong color, shape and size. I watched it for a few moments and noticed it was rectangular in shape and floating to the south.

I had to judge it was about five miles or more away from me and was going to be hid by trees across the street.

I rushed through the house, and to the nearest intersection but it was gone before I got there.

Object was as described rectangular in shape standing up on end where it was taller than it was wide. It appeared as it was flame because it flickered like a fire and Orange-Yellow in color. It was not Venus as I located it behind a tree, nor was it a plane unless it was on fire which I do not think it was as it was traveling from north to south.

Also I do not believe it could have been fireworks due to height several thousand feet.

Posted 2013-07-03

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