NUFORC Sighting 123027

Occurred: 2015-10-21 19:03 Local
Reported: 2015-10-21 22:15 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes

Location: Anaheim, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Solid Green lights then Solid Red zig zagging across the sky

At about 7:00 I saw 2 bright solid green lights about 10 miles out in the south sky. Being an ex-pilot I thought it was weird because usually a plane will have a red light and green. Ex. (red right returning) this didn’t. I kept my eye on it and all of a sudden the lights turned a solid red and streaked towards me at a tremendous speed and stopped about 2 miles away. It then turned to Green and hovered. Then a solid Red light and streaked west about a mile and hovered. Now I cant remember what lights were showing but it was either a solid red or green. Then it streaked east about another 7-10 miles and hovered. Then back west about 3 miles and finally started moving away and lowering its altitude until it moved below a tree line from my house. This was silent and very swift. We have fighter jets that fly over our house at times and these are not even as swift as these lights were.

Posted 2015-10-29

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