NUFORC Sighting 126877

Occurred: 2016-04-15 22:00 Local
Reported: 2016-04-16 09:49 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hours
No of observers: 7

Location: Spartanburg, SC, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Strange multi-colored flashing lights in the sky above Spartanburg, SC.

We saw 2 lights in the sky, one larger (or closer) than the other. Appeared at first to be two bright flickering stars, but on closer observation where flashing multiple colors – red, green, white, blue. The larger object was moving very slowly – and was becoming smaller and became close to the size of the second one.

The brighter one was to the west of our location just north of Spartanburg. The other was higher in the sky to the northwest. The westward light was moving towards Greenville (to the west of us.) I took videos of both using my camera at maximum zoom. These were visible for over an hour.

I reported the lights to WSPA TV News to try to get additional witnesses while the objects were still in the sky. (This occurred about 10:45pm). No news about them was reported.

Posted 2016-04-22

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