NUFORC Sighting 141787

Occurred: 2018-06-10 20:00 Local
Reported: 2018-06-10 00:45 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Mesa, AZ, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby, Landed

Magenta-Violet Orb Moves Abnormally Through Eastern Mesa Sky

Saw a circular UFO while walking my dogs tonight around 8:00pm MST.

Glanced up and saw a violet-turning-magenta colored circular figure (I can only explain the violet color as looking like your nails do when you're in a room that has a black light on) in the sky sitting dead still. At first I thought it may be a plane or helicopter coming straight toward me, appearing to be still, but then the object started moving to the left (eastern sky beginning at dead-center east, then slightly left of east across horizon and back). The object moved slowly to begin but glided unlike anything I have ever seen. It then stood at a dead stop once again for about 30 seconds. After this it ZIPPED QUICKLY AND UNNATURALLY to the left about an entire palms-length when held up to the horizon. After this it stood still for a moment once more, then zipped back to the right to its original position and lowered itself straight down at an unnatural speed. This happened three times and I have three separate videos of the event.

Directly before recording the third video, a helicopter made a brief attempt at chasing the object (which prompted me to run into my home to grab my camera for a third recording).



Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))

Posted 2018-06-15

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