NUFORC Sighting 151116

Occurred: 2019-11-25 05:20 Local
Reported: 2019-11-26 19:44 Pacific
Duration: 5
No of observers: 1

Location: Sheridan, WY, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Multiple white lights suddenly appear over wyoming

I was waking up for a the morning hunt 10 miles south of the Tongue river reservoir when I was looking up at the sky to the east and observed 4 or 5 bright lights suddenly appear in the sky out of no where. The objects where spaced apart at equal distances and traveling south to north. I looked away and closed my eyes for a moment and looked up again and watched them continue to travel north. After a minute or two of watching them more began to appear at the same place the others appeared, approximately 10 more began to appear one at a time at equal distance and speed from each other but there were a few traveling in pairs. Watch them travel north until they went out of view. All of them emitted a bright steady light as they traveled. There were no blinking or colored lights observed that would indicate conventional aircraft.

Posted 2019-12-01

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