NUFORC Sighting 158230

Occurred: 2020-08-02 21:45 Local
Reported: 2020-08-06 07:30 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Houston, MS, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Emitted beams

Rapid moving craft moved into stationary position seemed to fire something downward then something shot upward towards it.

On Sunday, August 2nd of 2020 my wife and I had just returned home from visiting friends in our Jeep. We were putting the doors and top back on the jeep when I noticed an object giving off light moving from the northwest at a decent speed. The object was silent as it moved across the sky and the reddish orange light it gave off did not pulse. It became stationary due West of my location at approximately 45 to 60 degrees above the horizon.

After a short time of being stationary, the object emitted a bluish object or beam downward at an angle of approximately 20 degrees to the North which was moving at an extreme rate of speed similar to a shooting star but it was much tighter focused and did not burn out. Shortly after the object emitted the beam, a slightly larger bluish beam shot up toward the object from the south at an angle of approximately 75 degrees just missing it. The object made no effort to move or avoid the incoming object. After a short while another object passed below my line of sight of the original object. It moved horizontally as a fast moving beam of red light. The original object remained in the sky as if just another star in the sky for the remainder of my viewing. It was getting late at this point and I returned indoors.

Posted 2020-08-06

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