NUFORC Sighting 162023

Occurred: 2021-02-10 22:20 Local
Reported: 2021-02-13 12:34 Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Douglas, AZ, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two different sightings in SE Arizona on same evening

My two neighbors and I were enjoying an evening outside of their trailer around a fire pit when a formation of lights flew over our heads heading east toward New Mexico. Our properties are adjacent and are about 10 miles north of Douglas, AZ. There is a glow from the city lights from Douglas and Agua Prita, but in the area we live it is quite dark with clear views of the stars when the sky is clear. I would say the formation of lights resembled a chevron based on the lights I saw. There was a rumbling sound, but it did not sound like military jets to me although my neighbor thought it was just a formation of jets likely from the Tucson area. He didn't really watch it and only glanced at it while I continued to observe the "formation" for several minutes as it flew over the mountains to the east but was still visible for quite some time. It was at least 8,000 or so feet up based on the summit of the peaks in that range. The lights were white,! and I did not notice any colors. As I observed the lights and tried to gather more details, the chevron shape changed a bit as some of the lights moved up, down and sideways in a way that I would not say is consistent with an airplane or helicopter. It was too fast, angular and fluid for it to be an aircraft that I am aware of.

45 minutes or so later, I was heading to my truck to drive back to my property, and to the NE over the Swiss Helm mountain range, I noticed 6-8 flickering, white lights in a loose horizontal band that were stretched from left to right about 10-15 miles. They were moving slowly SE toward New Mexico, and they maintained that course for 5 minutes while I watched them. The lights flickered in and out in an inconsistent manner and they moved slowly up and down while still moving at a consistent speed to the SE. They were quite a ways in the distance so I don't believe they could have been helicopters as they were too far away to be visible. There was no weather that evening or cloud layer and the skies were very clear so it is unlikely they were ball lightning.

Posted 2021-03-02

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