NUFORC Sighting 27265

Occurred: 1991-07-01 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-01-24 09:19 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Cuba, NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

My wife and I were driving home to Jamestown NY where we lived at the time from her parents in NJ traveling west on Route 17, she was driving and I was sleeping, she woke me up very excitedly and pulled over across from a rest area on the other side of 17, and we observed, with two other cars occupants, a very large (at least football field size) formation of lights, which appeared linked together or part of an object, hover above and behind the rest area. The only sound we heard was idling of trucks at the rest area. The object was not high up, it was cloudy and we watched as the object slowly started to disappear into a cloud bank. The shape of the formation was triangular. Lights were fairly large and diffuse (did not look like searchlights or conventional sources of light-did not cast a beam) and they were white. The lights numbered about 5 or 6 on each leg/side of the triangle, the triangle was open ended.

Posted 2003-03-21

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