NUFORC Sighting 38430

Occurred: 2004-07-31 22:45 Local
Reported: 2004-08-01 03:10 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: UK/England, , United Kingdom

Shape: Fireball

Bright orange fireball-like objects moving very fast from north to south, 6 in total.

Around 10:45pm my brother called me to tell me to go out the back garden, upon looking up I saw three birght orange fireball objects hovering in the sky. They appeared to be in a triangular formation bit did move slightly. The objects hovered for a minute or so and then one seemed to burn out, or fly higher out of eyes sight. The second and third followed. 10mins later I got another call and went outside again to see a bright orange fireball moving from north to south. The object was moving very very fast and got to the same point as the previous objects, then stopped in more or less the same place. Two more objects followed in exactly the same manor, hovered for a minute or so, then were gone. Went through all the possible explanations as too what these objects were, but have no idea.

Posted 2004-08-11

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