NUFORC Sighting 47707

Occurred: 2005-11-14 19:30 Local
Reported: 2005-11-14 18:53 Pacific
Duration: on-going
No of observers: 0

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Changed Colo

A bright light, greater than any I have seen on the landing gear of a 747. I am in a place where I see plenty of 747's.

My friend called me, said to look out my window, that there was a very bright light in the southwestern sky. It is by far the brightest thing I have seen in the sky, quite an intense light, unlike that of what was seen during the Mars' alignment earlier the past couple of Months, this is as bright as landing gear on a 747.

I just checked a moment ago, and it is still quite high in the sky. I do not rule out the fact that it could be a planet.

But, in light of the 'lights over phoenix' a few years back, I thought a report might be warrented, in case there are any other sky watchers out there in the Valley of the Sun, who are as interested in knowing who or what has been, and still are, looking down on us.


We wonder whether the witness means an evening sighting. If so, the light she was looking at was Venus, we suspect. PD

Posted 2005-12-16

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