NUFORC Sighting 77247

Occurred: 2010-08-14 22:00 Local
Reported: 2010-08-16 07:17 Pacific
Duration: 6 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Devore, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Ozz Fest Triangular shape UFO seen

This is a report from my daughter who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.

Her Dad and she were attending the OZZ FEST concert and as all eyes were watching Ozzy play the song Suicide Solution.

Bink (her Nickname) looked to the right and saw it. I am going to report exactly as she told me. The craft was triangular with rounded tips. The color was a pale gray. The edge of the ship made it out to be slightly rounded in the middle. She estimates the distance would be up higher than any conventional aircraft.

The lights had a strobe pattern blink flash repeat. Light Colors were in a row through the middle of the ship. The colors were 3-5 repetitions of green, yellow and pinkish purple. The lights and shape of the craft were stranger than any she has ever seen.

The path it traveled she said it flew up a little bit then it hovered and shaked as it left horizontally. I asked her about it's disappearance rate and this is what she said, "Traveled with a purple light before it did a full revolution 3 times before it went behind a tree that it fit behind (indicates relative size) and disappeared".

The craft revolutions stayed the same size and speed and made weird vibrations but no sound through the encounter.

She was looking in the general direction of the Little Dipper.

Posted 2010-08-24

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