NUFORC Sighting 77808

Occurred: 2010-09-13 21:31 Local
Reported: 2010-09-13 19:34 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

I was traveling in Charlotte, NC south bound on I 485 in between the Northlake mall exit and HWY 16 exit. I saw what appeared to be an airplane fall strait down from the sky about 4 mile's in front of me. As I traveled closer I realized that it had fallen in or around Mountain Island lake. This object appeared to be an airplane because it had blue, red and white flashing lights. However I was unable to determine the shape. Several motorist were pulled over near hwy 16 exit for Mountain Island lake and more on down. There seems to be several wittiness. Nothing on the news. Also there were several aircraft in the area. One appeared to be following it at the time it went down.

9/13/10 12:31 or 9:31 PM

Posted 2010-11-21

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