NUFORC Sighting 114622

Occurred: 2014-10-17 20:40 Local
Reported: 2014-10-17 18:33 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes

Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Four to five synchronized flashes of white light, moving and circling repeatedly

On October 17, 2014, at approx. 8:40 pm, I saw mysterious lights in the sky as I was driving in Indianapolis, Indiana on I465 eastbound between Meridian Street and the I69 exit. It was cloudy and cool.

These lights were moving in a synchronized fashion, 4 to 5 lights, coming together and then swooping out, circling around, then coming together again. They would repeat this movement over and over as I traveled eastbound.

They were dim flashes at first, white color, getting slightly brighter as I watched. The speed that they moved was quick, but not fast or frantic.

I was watching them ahead of me as I drove. They seemed to be moving slightly ahead of me, but not as fast as I was driving.

I exited I465 at the I69 northbound ramp, and couldn't watch them as close, but I saw them briefly when I turned my head to the left.

Posted 2014-11-06

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