NUFORC Sighting 121419

Occurred: 2015-08-22 02:45 Local
Reported: 2015-08-23 00:35 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Warsaw, KY, USA

Shape: Circle

Dancing white lights

Dad went outside at 2:45am and saw 2 white circle lights, me my mom and a friend went to see and we stood for about 15-20mins watching one light chase the other almost dancing, when 2 more showed up, no identifiable pattern, movements varied it speed and direction, they did figure eights, zig zags, fade in and out, it's a warm humid summer night, the lights danced on a layer of thin clouds, but you could also see stars crescent moon out, they cross crosses all over the sky , we were up on the top of a big hill full view all around, it almost seemed like the lights were shining down from above the clouds, the mist would have revealed if the lights were shown from below...never seen anything like it

Posted 2015-08-27

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