NUFORC Sighting 134852

Occurred: 2017-06-24 12:00 Local
Reported: 2017-06-30 19:37 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Fairfield, WA, USA

Shape: Cigar

Sillver cigar shaped object witnessed by 2 people in eastern Washington. Object hovered in western sky before vanishing

My husband and I were driving from Tekoa, Washington, to Spokane, Washington, around noon last Saturday. We were nearing the southern side of Fairfield, Washington. My husband pointed to the north and about half jokingly said, "Look. A UFO." I looked and replied, "Oh, that's a plane." As we got closer to Fairfield, we continued to watch the object, and the more we watched, the more we became convinced that what we were looking at was something out of the ordinary. I would call myself a UFO enthusiast, though this was my first sighting.

My husband is a confirmed skeptic, but even HE couldn't say what the object was. It was cigar shaped and white or silver. It moved at a pretty good rate of speed from the North to the West. We lost sight of it for maybe 30 seconds as we entered Fairfield. When we saw it again, it was sitting stationary in the western sky. I found this odd. I said to my husband, "If it hadn't been going so fast, I would say it's a blimp." It was also way too high up to be a blimp.

When we got further into Fairfield, we lost sight of it again, and as we exited the Fairfield city limits, we could no longer see it. It was simply gone. Anyone who has been through Fairfield, knows it is very small and doesn't take long to get through going north on the highway. It might take a minute so it didn't make sense to me that the object was just gone.

It was a clear day and should have still been visible. I didn't take pictures or video because my husband's windshield was quite dirty and I was afraid the object would be hard to see.

Thanks for your time.

Posted 2017-07-07

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