NUFORC Sighting 166962

Occurred: 2022-02-09 14:50 Local
Reported: 2022-02-09 15:10 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Palm springs, CA, USA
Location details: Observed ufo moving slowly up the side mountain and then observed above the mountain ridgine.

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Driving on freeway and a reflection caught my eye towards the airport and seen it was not a airplane

Around 2:50 pm I was driving north on on interstate 10 freeway and right before my exit on palm drive, a reflection object caught my eye from my left side towards the mountains over looking palm springs. At first I thought a airplane since the palm springs airport is right on the base lane of that area but then I quickly realized it was too small for a airplane and it was moving slowing up the mountain side since it was already 3/4 from the top. I kept looking and noticed the object had no reflection due to the shade of the mountain but still moving slowly up the side. At the same time airplanes where taking off and banking right from the area of this object. I got the off exit palm Dr and pulled into a gas station and tried to find the object again. From there I spotted the object hovering above the ridge line. And at this moment of writing incident I can see the object. I will try to record since object still there around 3:04pm. Object was then seen gone and no video taken.

Posted 2022-03-04

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