NUFORC Sighting 170192

Occurred: 2022-07-01 21:30 Local
Reported: 2022-07-02 09:24 Pacific
Duration: Approx. 30-40 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Pewaukee, WI, USA
Location details: In my upstairs apartment on my deck, quite a bit of light pollution, streetlights & porch lights.

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

I 1st saw a white object almost directly above me pass a star, it's luminosity increased to very bright and intense then flamed out

I was outside having a cigar with my earbuds in listening to some music, about a minute or so into my cigar, my peripheral vision picked up a white moving object almost overhead. At first, I assumed it was a plane, but quickly noticed it had no navigation lights and to my surprise it's luminosity increased very quickly, not super bright, but much brighter than the star it passed by. It's luminosity decreased at a steady rate and all but disappeared. It was NOT a meteorite, or a satellite. I have seen many satellites go over, they do not disappear from view overhead, they gradually dissipate as the get closer to the horizon, this was almost at my zenith. The duration I saw this object was 2 to 5 seconds. About 30 seconds after this, I noticed a jet go over from west to east in the last approximate location that I saw the 1st object. Could be a coincidence, but I don't think so. I saw another white light, or star like object to my right (east) about less than 2 minutes after that do almost the same thing. It appeared at first to possibly be a satellite, but again it dissipated while going over head. Then, a few minutes later out of my left peripheral (west) I noticed another light intensify and disappear before I locked on to it with straight on vision. I want to let you know, by this time I had removed my earbuds to also listen for sound, which there was no sound except when jets/ planes passing over. There was also a fireworks show going on less than 2 miles away that concluded about 10 minutes after my 2nd or 3rd sighting. I assure you, none of the objects were stray fireworks etc., what I saw was directly above me or north and east of the fireworks display. I called my 19 year old son out, told him what I had seen. He told me he had been out very late the night before and had seen similar objects, as we were talking, right above my son I saw out of my right peripheral vision a burst of white light moving southwest to northeast very fast, my son saw a 2nd burst of very bright, white light that illuminated that portion of the sky, there was absolutely no sound. My son stayed outside with me for about 7 to 10 more minutes, we both observed at least 4-6 more objects, a couple more than likely were satellites because we both observed them, they went from horizon to horizon before disappearing from view. I also want to let you know every object we saw were moving in all directions and at different positions in the sky. I want to mention, before my son came out, I saw another very bright white light go almost due west to due east at a very high rate of speed, if I had to make an educated guess 3-4000 mph. Again, this object had NO navigation lights. After my son went back inside I grabbed my binoculars, went back out and basically saw nothing but stars for 5 minutes, was getting attacked my mosquitoes and called it a night. I am 50 years old, have been watching the sky my entire life, and can honestly say I have never seen that much activity in that short period of time. At the very least, I believe I/ we could have witnessed secret, or experimental aircraft, but more likely we may have witnessed 3 UFO's last night. I'm not saying they were other worldly, but definitely Unidentified. I'm not a trained observer, but I've been watching the sky my whole life and know the difference between civilian passenger planes/ jet airliners, military jets and the like, and how they behave. 3 of the objects I saw, were far too fast and bright to be conventional aircraft in my humble opinion. One more thing, because I believe in truth and integrity, I also want to divulge to you that I also had 1 to maybe 1½ cocktails on a full stomach before I went out to have my cigar. I was not intoxicated, but did have an adult beverage. My son did NOT drink and saw the same things I saw. I believe there may be some correlation between my sightings last night and the fireworks display going on at Pewaukee lake. Pewaukee Wisconsin is about 15-20 miles due east of Milwaukee Wisconsin, so there is quite a bit of light pollution. My son and I were quite amazed at what we witnessed last night!

Posted 2022-09-09

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