NUFORC Sighting 172700

Occurred: 2022-10-29 21:28 Local
Reported: 2022-10-30 19:21 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: North Royalton, OH, USA
Location details: 10672 Tudor circle

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

We saw a light moving very fast approaching and it was too high for a plane and way to fast

On 10/29 at 9:28pm a bright light circle in shape was going very fast through the sky. We at first thought maybe the space station but as it got closer we realize it wasn't that and too high for a plane. It was very large compared to the star in my video and the light orb had strives of light as it traveled. It then disappeared out of sight.

Posted 2022-12-22

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