NUFORC Sighting 173193

Occurred: 2022-11-26 14:17 Local
Reported: 2022-11-26 12:44 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Mount Holly, NJ, USA
Location details: 605 Beverly Rancocus Road, coming up the bypass.

Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Driving up the bypass I witnessed a metallic almost glassy cone shaped object. It was upright and vertical, and was rotating.

Driving up the bypass I witnessed a metallic almost glassy cone shaped object. It was upright and vertical, and was rotating with the sun shining on it prominently, which is what drew my attention to the object initially. The sun was off to my right through the windshield of my work Van, as the object rotated the sun gleamed off of it very brightly, almost blindingly so. It only lasted around 3 seconds, but it was very well defined, and clearly not a plane or any other regular object such as a drone.

The object continued to rotate, and as it did so, it began to fade away in a very strange fashion, almost as if it was being hidden behind a sheet made of the blue sky behind it. There were no clouds anywhere near this object.

Having seen this, I pulled over into the parking lot across from the McDonald's, attempted to look for this object and began to film in the event it returned, to no avail. Considering I was working, I only had so much time to sit and wait, so I stayed put for around 5 minutes, returned to my work van and made note of the time, location and any other pertinent details.

It was utterly bizarre.

Posted 2022-12-22

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