NUFORC Sighting 173979

Occurred: 2023-01-17 16:35 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-01-18 06:51 Pacific
Duration: I saw above me on highway
No of observers: 2

Location: Madison, MS, USA
Location details: Across the highway in the sky

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

A dark, triangular shaped item moved across the sky - not a drone but I would describe as similar look.

We were driving home from my son's swim lesson. We finished up at 4:15, so I assume this was at 4:30 ish driving home. I looked up and saw a dark, triangular shaped object that at first I assumed was a drone. As I looked closer, it was much different/larger/higher up than a drone. I want to say there were lights on each of the "arms" of the triangle but cannot be for sure. It moved extremely steady for a windy day and was not moving at an extreme speed, not slow either.

Posted 2023-03-06

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