NUFORC Sighting 138629

Occurred: 2018-02-06 18:30 Local
Reported: 2018-02-06 23:27 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Wrightwood, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

On Feb 6, 2018, at approximately 6:30 p.m. Wrightwood, CA. While walking south on Oak St. towards the wash, I noticed a bright cloud shining behind a row of large red pine trees.

It crossed my mind that I may be about to witness a UFO, but I discarded it and kept walking my dog. I'm not sure why I had this impression. it was weird.

The cloud was quite bright and appeared to be about 3 football stadiums in size, maybe 2000 to 3000 feet AGL. The crowd appeared to be about 5 miles away due south from where I was. it appeared as though either the moon or an aircraft was behind the cloud and illuminating it. The light source was behind the top of one tree, I could see light through the branches, but not make out what exactly the light was.

I continued to walk towards the wash and continued to look at the cloud.

About 10 seconds later the cloud came into view better.

I noticed that it had a fan shape and could start to see more of the light source through the branches.

The cloud was a wispy light cloud that appeared to be in a kind of Japanese fan shape. Approximately 5 to 10 seconds later the entire cloud and light source came into view. The light was centered in the corner of the fan, however still obscured by the branches and the cloud.

Approximately 5 seconds later, I came to the end of the road and could get a more clear look at the cloud. The cloud had started to dissipate and the light dim.

No more than 3-5 seconds later the cloud had shrunk to half of its size and the light dimmed considerable.

No more than 3-5 seconds later than that there was nothing in the sky where I had been looking.

It was a cold, clear, crisp light with no other fog, clouds or obscuration.

The moon had not yet risen, I did not notice any helicopters, aircraft or weather balloons in the proximity that may of created the light source.


Possible result of launch of Space X rocket from Cape Kennedy? PD

Posted 2018-02-16

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