NUFORC Sighting 138635

Occurred: 2018-02-10 06:40 Local
Reported: 2018-02-10 18:17 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Mesa, AZ, USA

Shape: Sphere

10+ red lights moving formation Mesa, AZ.

I was outside letting my dogs out one at a time, the first dog took about 5 minutes to do her business. Let the next dog out returning the first inside the house.

I stepped off the porch and instantly noticed 10 or more red spherical lights in a strange formation, almost as if in a constellation. I quickly went back to the door and asked my sister-in-law to come look at the sky, she too see's the many red lights, we watch for possibly three minutes total. The lights blight ever so slightly and one by one fade away. I cannot get a shot on the camera, the street light in front of me drowning out the lights in the background.

As quickly as they came, only one left from the bottom of the formation blinks behind then it too is gone.

Posted 2018-02-16

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