NUFORC Sighting 156945

Occurred: 2020-06-06 22:30 Local
Reported: 2020-06-07 06:58 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Brownsburg, IN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Object over I74

I was on my way home from work, heading west on I74 from Indianapolis. As I was approaching the Ronald Reagan exit I saw a flashing green and white light overhead. The green light was above the white light and slightly behind it. The lights appeared to me moving north and as they crossed over my location the green light was no longer behind the white light but directly above it.

After they had passed over and were on the other side of my view I didn't see a green light anymore but just two white lights, no longer one on top of the other but next to each other and they were still moving north. The lights were flashing, I never saw them stay on continually.

After I had gotten off the Ronald Reagan exit and heading south on Ronald Reagan I looked back to see if I could spot it again. As I was Heading South looking behind me I was able to spot the object once more, Still the white lights next to each other, with a little space in between (just two lights) possibly as if one on each wing? I really couldn't make out any shapes only the lights. At this point it seemed it must have turned around because it was now heading south. I had to pay attention to the road and at my next chance to look I couldn't spot it again. to me it appeared much too large to be a drone.

Posted 2020-06-25

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