NUFORC Sighting 164327

Occurred: 2021-08-10 22:50 Local
Reported: 2021-08-12 15:46 Pacific
Duration: At least 2 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Object stopped overhead without moving for over 2 hours.

At 10:50 PM on Monday August 10th I went out to get my mail for the day which I forgot to do earlier. It was a cloudy night and I couldn’t see any stars but off in the distance I saw two lights that I figured was an airplane. It was moving very slow for an airplane, but then is sped up and slowed down again as it got nearer my area and then came to a stop.

I went inside and got my cell phone to get pictures of it. Looking straight up it was only about 20 degrees away from where I was. Now I could see two bright lights on either side of it and two very small lights on the top and bottom. I called my neighbor and he came out to see it and ten minutes had gone by and it did not move, plus there was no noise at all. I took many pictures and videos of it. We figured it must be a UFO and kept watching it for about 20 minutes. It did not move.

I took many pictures and videos of it but could not get a clear picture as my phone takes great pictures in low light but if I zoomed in it came out as a single bright light. It was so clear with the naked eye and it seemed almost a square shape on it’s side with the lights on each corner.

After it had not moved for about 40 minutes I did not know who to call so I called the Palm Beach Gardens Police to see if others had reported it but she said no and would have an officer in the area look for it.

I went back in the house looking out and checking on it every once in a while. It was still in the same spot at midnight, and at 12:30 AM. Just before I went to bed at 1AM I checked and it had moved a little and was just about directly overhead.

Nothing was there in the morning. I will email pictures and videos to you. I am a retired person who has been a business owner for many years.

Posted 2021-08-16

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